The Queen Ke

IMG_20170422_154738_881When given the opportunity to highlight people you know personally that are worthy to be highlighted you just get excited! Meet my mentor! The #BlackGirlMagic right here! This #Queen right here. She is so phenomenal and just as a spectator of her life I am so proud of her!  People who have visibly accomplished much, yet still have humility and a very approachable demeanor about them are gems. Queen Ke has it! She can kick it with you and help you write a dissertation, tell you how to get the best work out in a pinch of time, teach you how to prep a meal, counsel you from broken to building, run you a list of Youtuber’s who can teach you to beat your face the best, show you boutique shops to get sophita-ratchet dresses from, and tell how to network in a way that gets things done. Complex. Black Women are multitalented. I look at my sister here and wonder how much harder can I push myself to go in life? What more can I give to others? How can I be a better individual? What truly makes me a person that is set out to change this world? Shake it at it’s core? Speak when there are things to be said and silent when I have no positive things to add?  When I see her I see the definition of success of self, the definition of Black Excellence, the embodiment of what it means to have humility, drive, and a purpose. She is my complete obsession and if you read on a bit she might become yours too.
  1. How old are you?

I am a 25 year old African American woman.

  1. What do you do? What is your job?

I currently am a Program Coordinator and Counselor at a Substance Abuse Treatment Agency. It is just a fancy way to say that I manage other counselor while providing treatment to a caseload of clients who display substance abuse and other diagnoses.

  1. Do you consider yourself successful?

Well, I believe others think I am. I just think I am a regular person who just so happens to have done some really cool things along the way. I guess for me being successful gives the connotation that ” I have arrived.” I honestly don’t believe I have yet. Ask me that question in 25 years when you are posting your follow up series on people that you have featured. (Also, that was a STRONG hint! Just do it. I would love to know where people are years later. I think your readers would, too!) Maybe, I will define myself as successful then. Right now, everything is real new to me.

  1. What are you striving for in life?

Oh, that’s simple. I am striving to leave a legacy of course. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the truth. When I reflect on my life, I mentally set it to a Beyonce sound track and the song that is on replay is ” I Was Here”. There is a lyric that goes like “I want to leave my footprint on the sands of time… I was here. I lived. I loved.” Every time I hear that part. I am like, “Yep, that’s it!” People may not remember my name, but they will remember the impact I had on their life.

  1. When you reach your ‘ultimate goal’ what does that look like?

Reaching my “ultimate goal” looks like me pouring out wisdom to little black and brown faces with my gray hair and a rocking chair. I will be feeble in body, but strong in mind. When I open my mouth, nations will listen. See that is why I can’t say that I am successful. I have so much more living to do! But when I have reached my “ultimate goal”, it will be evident because day in and day out I will be investing wisdom into the coming generations.

  1. Of the things you have accomplished thus far (things that were previous goals that you now have under your belt) how easy was it to achieve these things? What did that look like?

Nothing worth having is easy. It does not matter if it came to you quicker than it did others. You worked for it. So to answer your question, I worked hard for everything I have. I worked hard to get it. Now I am working hard to keep it.

  1. What do you want People of Color under thirty to know about success? Is it only one version?

Success is not limited to achieving goals off your checklist. Education? I got that. Career? I got that. Car? House? I got those, too. Yet, I don’t define myself as successful. Why? Because when I leave this earth, I take nothing with me, but I leave my memory. I want to encourage my peers to not be limited to that checklist. Everything on that list will come soon enough. Become limitless my loves and leave a lasting imprint on this Earth. What will your memory be? Reflect on that.

  1. What are you planning as your next move in life?

All of my next moves lead back to my “ultimate goal” of sharing life’s worth of wisdom and knowledge. I recently have applied for my associate’s license as a counselor and am applying for my Ph.D. in Counselor Education this summer. My intention is to be done with both before I hit 30. I want to use both to eventually attain a collegiate teaching position while still working full-time as a therapist. Both teaching and counseling speak to my soul. So, I have to do both. Also, I have recently started a blog. It is going to serve as my online, public diary. I think we all need an outlet from routine. It is my reminder to myself and others to live life to the fullest. So, yes. I am very excited about this next chapter of my life and want to take everyone with me. If you want to follow my journey, you can at! As I am getting my catharsis, I hope you get entertainment.

  1. What would you have your younger self know about where you are in life right now?

I want little Kesha to know that her path is crooked and bumpy. It is not straight and smooth, and it never will be. Thank God for that! Can you imagine living life without unforeseen circumstances? I never would have learned anything. Nor would I have found peace from within.

  1. Is there anything you would like to share with this blogs audience?

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who read this. It is truly humbling to me. Second, keep reading these features! Our people are resilient and fascinating. Other groups would like to deny it, but we know the truth. Finally, remember that others find you successful where you are now. So stop comparing yourself to others. Your crooked path was meant just for you. So, keep going!


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